Alkoholittomat mocktailit, virvoitusjuomat, jäätee
Alkoholittomien cocktailien eli mocktailien kysyntä kasvaa hurjaa vauhtia koko Euroopassa. Raikkaat virvoitusjuomat ja makuvedet syntyvät myös käden käänteessä ja makujen kirjo on miltei loputon. Terveellisyys, mutta myös kulinaristiset nautinnot, ovat tärkeitä kriteerejä tällä hetkellä juomakulttuurissa. Katso tästä ideoita alkoholittomaan juomatarjoiluun!
Spritz Coffee Tonic with MONIN Orange Spritz syrup
Bubbly iced coffee? Might just be your new addiction that's not only citrusy, crisp, and refreshing — but also beautiful, as the cold brew sinks into the tonic water. -
Cherry Coffee Sonic with Le Fruit de MONIN Cherry
When it's hot out, who doesn't want a caffeinated, fizzy drink? Oh yes, we are talking about iced coffee with bubbles! -
Pina-Colada Vanilla Frappé How to make it?
I am sure you know Pina-Colada but did you ever try the Frappé version? Easy to make, do you know what's inside ? Find out the virgin and vegan recipe here: -
The Herbal Way Mint Cold Brew
Cold brew is one of the trendiest coffee drink of the year! Twist it with some MONIN Mojito Mint Syrup and let your customer enjoy it during a warm summer afternoon! -
Popcorn Spider with MONIN Popcorn syrup
An indulgent combination of vanilla ice cream, MONIN Popcorn syrup and Coca Cola! -
Rose Butterfly Garden with MONIN Rose syrup
Hop on the Asian trend with this Butterfly Pea Tea featuring MONIN Rose syrup. Refreshing and eye catching effect guaranteed! -
MONIN Afternoon Punch
3/4 oz Monin Black Raspberry Syrup
5 oz Pineapple juice
1 oz Granberry juice
14 oz Glass
(1 oz = 30 ml) -
Green Apple Lemonade
60 ml Monin Lemonade Mix
15 ml Le Fruit de Monin Green Apple
120 ml Water
Ice & Garnish -
Pink Grapefruit Lime Nitro Tea with MONIN Pink Grapefruit syrup
Flavoured your Nitro Tea with MONIN Pink Grapefruit syrup! -
White Grape Kiwi Aloe Bubble Tea with MONIN White Grape syrup
Unique White Grape Kiwi Aloe Bubble Tea made easy! -
Brownie Coffee Frappé with MONIN Walnut Brownie syrup
The Frappe form of a Walnut Brownie! -
Coconut Matcha Frappé with Le Fruit de MONIN Coconut
A true Asian Frappe with Le Frappe de MONIN Matcha and Le Fruit de MONIN Coconut!